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Wednesday January 29, 2025  11:45:10 pm CST (GMT -6) 

Frequently Asked Questions about the End Time Gospel FAQ

Living Word Broadcast - End Time Gospel FAQ Question: Please explain Billy Graham's and Oral Roberts' role. Are they preaching the correct doctrine? What I know is this, they were sent to the church natural (the Lots), not to the elected church (the Abrahams). Bro. Branham was the messenger to the elected church. God has sent them to blind the churches with the Gospel. But they are still blind. We can only pray for them. It's God's plans and purposes. We pray that some may be saved. Many won't, just like Sodom and Gomorrah, but Abraham's seed will be saved. It's so close, that if it were possible, would deceive even the elect


"..Now, you take Luke 17:30 and read it. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Just like it was at Sodom. Now, look at the position of the world today: Sodomites. Look at that Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, them two witnesses, down there witnessing to the denominational churches. One to the Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian; the other to the Pentecostals. This one, that one, and the other one.” [Works, Is, Faith, Expressed, Shreveport, LA, 65-1126]

“Now, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom..." Now remember, two preachers, a modern Billy Graham and O--somebody else, we'd say any great evangelist, Oral Roberts, or some of them, went down into Sodom and preached. Now, they were great preachers, for they did do a sign down there, a miracle, but not that sign. See? Went down into Sodom, and they preached a warning message that they'd better "get out of there, for God's going to destroy it."
And who's doing any better job on that today than Billy Graham and that bunch. I respect Billy Graham, a great man of God. He's got his ministry. I can see some of them say, "Well, he doesn't believe in Divine healing." Look. God's running this business. It isn't us. God knows... If Billy Graham would accept Divine healing, them churches would kick him out that quick. And God's holding him there for that purpose, so that all will be guilty before God, 'cause you've already heard about it. See? Billy's doing a wonderful job. Instead of talking about him, pray for the man that God will continue to use him. I like him.” [The Faith Of Abraham, San Jose, CA, 59-0424A]

“Billy Graham has caused a--a revival among the nominal people. Oral Roberts has caused a revival amongst the Pentecostals. And now, Jesus the Son of God has come in to this remnant, to pull the people for the capstone, to bring back the Son of God, to complete the thing for the coming of the Lord Jesus. He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." [Elijah and The Meal Offering, Phoenix, AZ, 60-0310]

“We've got a... These great ministers that's covering that world out there... After Billy Graham received the Holy Ghost, he could not come out into here. That's his field down there, and he recognizes it, and God's holding him there. See? With that intellectual preaching, the thing that he hears here, but he's trying to jerk out Sodom, trying to jerk out, or give grace to that sleeping virgin. See? But here was Abraham and his class, and Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." See, those Angels will be here on earth doing the same thing. See, that's the reason Billy goes to the Baptists and so forth like that. Has to. See, Jack Shuler and all those great men--men out there that's going to be revivalists; they have to because they're--they're jerking out. They never done miracles down there; a few, like people smote blind. But preaching the Gospel smites them blind (See?), the Bible said so. But this fellow out here done these signs, supernatural signs, to Abraham and his bunch, which is church-elect.” [The Ten Virgins And The Hundred And Forty Four Thousand Jews, JEFF, IN, 60-1211M]

(We truly appreciate the help of Brother Donny Reagan in researching answers to the question above)

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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