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Wednesday January 29, 2025  11:07:39 pm CST (GMT -6) 

Frequently Asked Questions about the End Time Gospel FAQ

Living Word Broadcast - End Time Gospel FAQ Question: Who was God talking to when He said," Let us Create man in our own image after our own likeness...."?


“What's He doing? Writing His first Bible. Notice, the human beings once looked towards the heavens. And He puts all the stars in the heavens, the zodiac, starting off with the Virgin, ending up with Leo the Lion. First coming of Christ, the second coming. Came by the Virgin, come again as the Lion of the tribe of Juda. There He puts the first Bible. Oh, back in those days of--ancient days, they looked at those things. Today, He's got His Bible wrote here. But He wrote It in the heavens, that man would look up and realize that Jehovah the Creator lived above. And then I can see Him, He looked at that... I can see Him speak to this world hanging there as an icicle, whatever it was, way away. And He moved it over here. I can see this little Light go out. Now, we got two now. The Father, and out of the Father came the Light, the Son. And I can see that Light moving over here and pulled the earth over near the sun to dry it off. And He begin to...?... raise the water up, separating the land, earth from the water, and so forth. Then He begin to create. And He made the fishes of the sea, the vegetable life. Put the cattles on the hill. It all looked good to Him. Then He said, "Let us make man in Our own image, after Our likeness." Is that right? All right. So He made a man. God was Spirit; he had to be a spirit man made in His image. He put him here on the earth to lead the animal life and so forth, like the Holy Spirit should be leading the Church today. That was man.“ [Who Is God CLEVELAND, OH 50-0815]

“And when He made everything that looked nice and good to Him, now He said, "Let us (plural) make man (plural) in our own image." What was He? There is a supernatural Being. There's the One that could not be seen. God the Father never was seen, never will be seen. He's all nature. And there He is. And now, here's the Son, which is the Logos that went out of Him, made in His image, a supernatural Being that went out in the beginning. "Let us make man in our own image." After He made a man in His own image, He made a supernatural being. Yes, indeed. Genesis 1:28, read and see if that isn't right. And then when He made man in His own image, he had rule over the beasts. He led the beasts around then like the Holy Spirit's supposed to lead the Church today. That's right. He led the Church around and... And then He said, "There's no man to till the soil." So He created man out of the dust of the earth. Now, He might've give him a hand like a monkey and a foot like a bear. I don't know what He did, but He put him in five senses. And He put this supernatural being which was called man, the third Person of the Trinity, Holy Spirit, into mankind ( That's exactly right.), that man and He made him in His own image.“ [Show Us The Father And It'll Satisfy Us Connersville, IN 53-0610]

[Answers provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Jeffersonville IN]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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