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September 2024 Newsletter Subject: That Which We Had From The Beginning

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II JOHN 1:5 And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another.
JOHN 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: JOHN 15:27 And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.
II THESSALONIANS 2:13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
“Now the same thing is this. If you are a son of God, and if I am a son of God, or a daughter of God, we were in God at the beginning. And when Jesus became the fullness of the Word, then we were in Him, germ form. When He was crucified, we was crucified in His body. When He arose from the dead, we rose with Him. And now, since we have recognized it, "now we set together with Him, in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus." See? For He... We, if we are sons and daughters of God, we are God's children, then we are attributes of God. Then we were... got Eternal Life. And God is the only Eternal Life there is. Then, we were in Him from the beginning. And when Jesus became all that Word, then we were a part of Him then. Amen! There you are. When that's in there, there is no devil, no powers, no nothing can ever move it. That's the tie post of the soul. You can be anointed out here, in this spirit, and desire, and do all these other things. But when it comes to this tie post to that Word, you'll never move from there. It'll hold right steady and true, to that Word, as it can be. Outside of that, regardless of what you do, you're still lost.” [65-0822M Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word, Jeffersonville IN], [Ephesians 2:6]
“So, we really believe that God never changes His mind about what He said. He always keeps It true. But He has a permissive will. Now, there, where the trouble lays. We try to work on God's permissive will, and He will permit it. But also if we take His permissive will, though it's not right, He will make His permissive will to work out, together, to glorify His perfect will. 47 There is nothing will go wrong, with God. We're... He knows just where the clock is a-ticking at, tonight. There is nothing wrong. Every lick is hitting just exactly the way it should be, everything. We think it's wrong, but He knows it's right. It's supposed to be like this. 48  Like at the beginning, God just permitted sin to come. He didn't, not... That wasn't His perfect will.” [65-0427 Does God Change His Mind, Los Angeles CA], [II Kings 20:1-6], [Isaiah 38:1-8]
“Just think, of every one of you in here today that's got your name on the Lamb's Book of Life, you never put it there; and your preacher never put it there; neither your church put it there; but God put it there. And when did God do it? It's written in the Blood of the Lamb. How many believes that? There isn't enough ink remover, or whatever it is, in the world to get it out of there. Look. God put your name on the Book of Life at the foundation of the world, the Bible said. We're just nothing. You never had nothing to do with it; I never had nothing to do with it; God, Himself, did it at the foundation of the world when He slew the Lamb. By foreknowledge He knew that Christ would be here, and He was called the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world. And the beast will deceive all that dwells upon the earth whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world.” [57-0324 Why Some People Can't Keep The Victory, Oakland CA], [Revelation 17:8], [Revelation 13:8]
How did you come to do this? You were deceived into it by your first marriage, to your adulterous parent, Eve. It's no fault of your own. By your natural birth, you come after Eve, who committed adultery. That's the reason you was born an adulteress. You're a sinner, to begin with. That's right. You was deceived into it. You had no... No, you, it ain't your fault. 230 You never did it. Because, that little germ that was in you, was to be you, before the foundation of the world. God put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life.” [65-1125 The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ, Shreveport LA], [Revelation 21:27]
“Now, your old book is gone, with your old union. Now, your name in your old, in your... has been transferred. Now, you say, "Do you mean to tell me that my old book..." God put it in the Sea of His Forgetfulness. You stand perfectly before God. Now, your name is now in the new Book; not the book of life, but the Lamb's Book of Life, what the Lamb redeemed. Not the old book of your natural union, but your new, Bride. Hallelujah! Your new life is in the Lamb's Book of Life, your marriage certificate, hallelujah, where your true Eternal germ, from the beginning, takes hold. Now you're not only forgiven, but you're justified. Glory! "Justified," Romans 5:1 said. Yeah. Romans 5:1 said, "Therefore being justified by faith."” [65-1125 The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ, Shreveport LA], [Revelation 21:27], [Romans 5:1]
“Jesus, when He came on earth, He found, as He would find today, teachers of the Scriptures, teaching things that wasn't so by the inspired Word. They were talking on the subject of divorce, as you see the previous part of the Scriptures was teaching. And they had said that they had a commandment that the woman should be put away for any cause. Jesus said, "Moses did this because of the hardness of your heart, but it wasn't so from the beginning." We have to go back and find out what the foundation is. And then, if we can get the foundation, then we can build on a solid foundation. And no building is any stronger than its foundation, because the complete building is resting upon that foundation. Every plaster, every window, and all the building rests upon that foundation.” [59-0405A It Was Not So From The Beginning, Los Angeles CA], [Mark 10:2-9], [Matthew 19:3-12]
“Many think, because they speak with tongues, they've got the Holy Ghost. That don't mean that. Though, the Holy Ghost does speak with tongues. But until that real, genuine Holy Spirit in there will cope with every Word! If that Holy Spirit in you, that makes you speak with tongues, looks back there and doesn't agree with the rest of the Word, then it's the wrong spirit. See? It's got to come from the inside, which is the Word, from the beginning. "In the beginning of the creation of God," when God begin to create, bring you into existence, you see. You started back there as a seed, and worked down to where you are now. And, then, you were all in Christ. And then when Christ died, He died to redeem all of you. And you are a part of this Word, and how can... the Bible, all of It! "Precept upon precept, line upon line; here a little, there a little." "Not one jot or a tittle shall fail." How in the world can you, being part of that Word, disagree with the rest of It, or any part of It?” [65-0815 And Knoweth It Not,  Jeffersonville IN], [Isaiah 28:10, 13]
“You're standing, completely. You never sinned at the first place. God don't even know. It's in the Sea of Forgetfulness. You never did it. You were accused of it, by the accuser. But really, from the beginning, you were predestinated to be a son and daughter of God. You're standing there, washed. And your old book of divorcement is put away, and it's dead, absolutely out of existence, even in the mind of God. You're the virtuous Bride of Christ, washed in the Blood of Christ. Precious, virtuous, sinless Son of God standing with a pure, unadulterated Bride-Word that He washed by the Water of His Own Blood; that become flesh and manifested, that He might take you which were predestinated in the bosom of the Father, before the beginning, the same as He was. He was that great attribute of God, called "love."” [65-1125 The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ, Shreveport LA], [Romans 8:30], [Revelation 19:7-8]
Our Bible Study Subject for September 2024 That Which We Had From The Beginning
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Brother Robert Wilson
LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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