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Prayer Line 60-07
60-pl-07, Prayer Line 60-07, 62 min

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60-0607 - Miami Valley Chautauqua Campgrounds, Chautauqua, OH (Paragraphs: 72 - 77)
L-73 There's a woman, one time, pressed through and touched the hem of His garment. He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" And when He did, though all of them looked around--didn't know what to say. He found the woman and told her what her trouble was. And she was healed. Said her blood issue had stopped. I believe that same Jesus is a High Priest tonight. That same One, He just hasn't failed.
We're going to have a healing service one of these nights and bring the people up. I got a new ministry that's been given to me. That was my old ministry.
Say... No, there isn't any prayer cards, is there? No one's got a prayer card, 'cause we don't--haven't give out pray cards. All right. If you believe this message come from the Holy Ghost, how many sick people's in here, raise up your hands, that you know that I don't know you? All right. You have faith and believe. You believe with all your heart. We'll see whether the same Holy Ghost that preaches the sermon, is the same Holy Ghost that knows the secret of the heart. We'll see whether the Word comes, the Word of God comes to the prophet or not. And I'm not the prophet; He is. He's the One. You believe; have faith. May the Lord God of heaven grant it for His glory. [Mark 5:27, 30, 33-34], [Hebrews 4:14-15]
L-74 Will you believe this is the Word of God that I've preached if He will do it? See? Just keep praying. Be a real reverent a minute. Just quieten a minute. Find the Holy Spirit moving on someone. Just keep praying, saying, "Lord God, I'm sick. I have need. I--I--I really need, Lord. I--I must have You. If I don't have You I'll--I'll--I'll perish.
This man sets here, you raise your hand a few minutes ago, sir? You raise your hand? You believe God knows you? I'm a stranger to you, is that right? I don't know you, but God does know you. Do you believe that God can heal you? If I tell you what's wrong with you, you believe it? It'll have to be the truth if it is. You believe if--if God will tell me, that you'll accept your healing? You will? You think the ulcers will be gone? Think you'd get well of them? All right. Got bleeding ulcers. That's right. You've been lot of places for them. You went to Mayo Brothers: I see you going to Mayo brothers. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's right. That's right. And they turned you down, but God don't turn you down. Do you hear it? Do you recognize it? Will you act on it? Then in the Name of Jesus Christ, go home and be well.
L-75 You believe God? Now, the same Holy Spirit speak--preaching the Word is doing the Divine--divining of it, making the Word real. Telling to you what? That's the truth.
There's another ulcer case setting right out there, man with no shirt on: black mustache, or the mustache, out there, no shirt. Collar open, I mean, here at the top, no necktie on his shirt. You believe me to be God's prophet? We're strangers to one another, but you have ulcers. That's right. And you want to be healed don't you? You're not from this city. No, you're from Cleveland. That's right. Let me tell you something else. You got two handkerchiefs in your pocket that you're wanting to get a hold of me, for me to prayer for that for two loved ones at home. If that's right, wave your hand like that. Take it and put it on them. They'll be well, too. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Do you believe? [Acts 9:12]
L-76 What kind of a Spirit preaches? The same kind of a Spirit that discerns. Here, there sets an elderly lady, sitting right back there. She's praying for her son-in-law that was hurt in a automobile accident (setting right out from that post, there). You believe, sister, with all your heart, that he'd be healed? If you believe it with all your heart, you may receive it.
The heavy set lady setting behind her there, has got high blood pressure, setting right back out here by the post... If you believe with all your heart, believe that breaking out on you will leave you? All right, then you can have it. Amen. Put your hand over on her. That's right. God bless you, sister. Amen.
You love him? Way back in the back of the building, a man back there, you're praying for your--your daughter. I mentioned a accident awhile ago. She was in a accident, too. She hurt her spine. That's right. You got a sister-in-law has got trouble with her neck and head also. You believe that God will heal them? Mr. Golden, will you as--will you recognize God being His voice speaking to you? All right, sir. Stand up on your feet, then. All right. Go home and find them well in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
L-77 The same Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever... Can't you get that soaked through you, that it's Jesus Christ the Son of God? Can you hear? Can you recognize? Then, act on it. Every sick person that's in here, God's already healed you when He sent Jesus to die for you. You believe that? Then stand to your feet and accept Him as your Healer and as your Saviour. Raise up your hands. Go into action. Get out of the wheelchairs, whatever it may be. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, raise up your hands, and praise Him, and believe with all your heart.
Lord Jesus, we bring these people to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. May Your power be sufficient, Lord, to grant this. And may every power of the devil turn loose in this building tonight. And may the people be healed. I cast out you, Satan. I come against you on the charge that you're a deceiver. I come in the Name of Jesus Christ as His servant. I pray over these people, while the Holy Ghost is anointing them. They hear. They recognize it's God. They're going to act upon it. Come out, Satan, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Flee these people. And be healed, every one of you. Amen.
Turn this service... [Hebrews 13:8]

60-0609 - Miami Valley Chautauqua Campgrounds, Chautauqua, OH (Paragraphs: 65 - 83)
L-66 Now, if He's the same Jesus, here's the same picture, a panoramic. The well is here of Everlasting Life, I believe that. Here's a woman that I never seen, and perhaps she's never seen me. We... She raised her hand she didn't know me, and I don't know her. Now, if He is the same Christ, He will know her. If He's the same Christ, He knows me. And if He does the same thing here that He did in Saint John 4, how many of you newcomers will receive Him and believe it with all your heart? Raise up your hand. If the same thing...
Now, here's this lady now, never seen one another in our life. We are... 'Less we... I might have looked out on the congregation, saw her; she might have looked up at the pulpit, and saw me. But we're strangers, aren't we, lady? We are total strangers. I--I don't know her, never seen her. Now, if she's sick, I couldn't heal her; God's already did that. You see? I just...
L-67 Now, if Jesus is standing here with this suit on, that He had Brother Palmer (out there somewhere) and Sister Palmer to give it to me. Now, if He was standing here wearing this suit, and would say... And this woman would walk up, and say, "Lord Jesus, I need healing." You know what He'd say to her? "I did that when I died for you at Calvary." See? But then, how would she know that was Jesus? 'Cause He had nail prints in His hand? No, anybody could have nail prints in their hand. No, no, there's many--been many fake that. But the real Jesus would have a...
The real spirit of Jesus would be in Him, and He would do the same things that He did to prove that He was the Messiah. Is that right? And what was the sign of the Messiah? The God Prophet. That's right. Now, you understand? Not me now, so you can get it close: I am a man, a sinner saved by grace, the least among you. That's right. But it's His Spirit. See?
L-68 Now, I can just let myself... Like these microphones. Them microphones are completely a mute, unless somebody's speaking into them or some noise. There's got to be vibration of waves to go through it; the same thing here. I don't know her, she don't know me. If anything takes place, it'll have to be some other vibration of waves, won't it? Have to be the Holy Spirit, the only thing it could be.
Now sister, just to speak to you. Now, if the Lord Jesus... If I could go over here and lay hands on you, after preaching the way I have, and say, "Jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe; lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." That's the truth. You could go off the platform, saying, "Praise the Lord, I believe I'm going to get well." That's right. See? You could do that.
But now, what if He stands here and tells you what you have been? Then if He knows what you have been, and then tells you what you will be, you certainly... If that's true, you know whether that's true or not. Then you can believe that. Is that right, audience? If He can tell you what you have been, or what you're here for, or something just like the woman was at the well. All understanding now? May the Lord grant it. [Mark 16:17-18]
L-69 Now, I just speak to you, because I've been preaching, and I just see if He would tell me. If He will, you'll accept Him? Would it help your faith, will it help you to believe? Will it help the audience to believe? May the God of heaven grant it.
Now, if the audience can still hear my voice, the lady... There's something wrong with her that comes more like a chronic case, because I see her under a tent, or a oxygen tent, or something another. She has to breathe from an oxygen tent. It's an allergy; that's exactly right. There is a--a man with you; it's your husband. He's here now, and he's on your heart. Do you believe that God can tell me what's wrong with your husband? You believe it? All right, your husband is suffering... There's something wrong with his eyes, and he's also got a blood condition, that's caused by complication of things. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. You believe that?
L-70 Now, ask the woman if that was right. I don't know what I said. The only thing I... That wasn't me; that was Him. I know nothing about it; that was Him. Well, you said... The only way I ever know, is by these tapes. But... Now, you say, "Well, maybe you guessed..."
Wait a minute, we'll find out. We'll find out. Just stop just a minute; I want to ask you something. Just stand there a minute. You're a fine person; you are a Christian. Yes, I hear something rattling; it's an oxygen tent, something about an oxygen tent. Yes, and I... And a man, your husband, and he wanted to come up here. But he only... You only had one prayer card. You didn't know which one to take it, you or him, so you come up and--yourself. Now, he's going to be healed too, both of you, and you're... That's right. Now, that's just happened the last few minutes.
And here's another thing, that you might know. If you... You believe--believe me to be His prophet, or His servant? There's not a shadow of doubt. You know that something's around you, don't you; you know that something's anointing here, really sweet and humble. That's right. You're--you're not from here; you come from away from here. You're from Canada, Ontario. You believe God knows who you are? If I tell you who you are by the Holy Spirit, will it help you? Mrs. Buckner, go back and be well. Jesus Christ heals you and makes you well. Amen.
L-71 You believe on the Lord Jesus? Have faith in God. It's all over, brother. Just believe it now. [Mark 11:22]
We are strangers to one another. Now, that ought to settle it for the whole group of you. Does that confirm that I'm preaching the truth? How would God let me tell something wrong, and stand up with my very message. These things are only to indicate a Divine a vindication that my theology is right. That's exactly right. The Word of the Lord came to the prophets.
You believe that with all your heart? I don't know you; Jesus knows you. You're a very fine person, and you're not here for yourself. You're here for someone else. It's your daughter. You believe God can tell me what her trouble is? It's in her spine. That's true. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now, you believe with all your heart?
L-72 Now, remember that almost kills me. You don't realize what that does to you. Just a moment. She's a lovely person; let's speak to her again. Now, whatever it was, I do not know. Just... Let's see again. Just--just be praying. See? Just--just be asking...
Ever what I told you was right; it was right. Yes, I see it's a girl with something in her back: spine trouble. That's right. And you... There's somebody else, I see a man appear, a man who's shadowed for death. It's a man you're praying for; he's got cancer. That's right. You believe God knows who you are? If I tell you, would it help you? All right, Mrs. Glasgow, go ahead home, and be well. Jesus Christ make you well, believe now, go. Have faith in God.
L-73 You--you believe with all your heart? Have faith in God. You believe? We're strangers to one another. If I didn't say nothing to you, just passed through and laid hands on you... You know that something here... I... Ever who it is, who is taking pictures, I... Please, don't any more. See, the Holy Spirit's a Light, I'm watching It right here, and I see that flash now. And I--I--I--I can't get it. You see? I can't catch the Spirit. It moves from me. All right. [Mark 11:22]
Now, that's a... I lost it just then. Now, just a minute. Now, is this the patient? You're the patient? All right. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe me to be His servant? Varicose veins. You believe He can heal them? You got something else you're very much worried about. That's right. If I'll tell you what it is through the Holy Spirit, will you believe it's Christ standing here doing that? You will?
L-74 Now, something happened in the audience just then. There's a different person appeared here. See? Somebody believed right--a whole lot just then. What you crying about, lady? It was you. All right, you think that bowel trouble's going to leave now? It's a tumor. That's right. It was. I don't know you. You believe with all your heart? God bless you.
There's a lady setting right next to you that's believing with all her heart too. Uh-huh. I don't know you, lady. But you--you--you know God, and you'll believe Him. If I can tell you what your trouble is, will you believe me? You're suffering with a heart trouble. That's right. It's a hole in your heart; you just come from a hospital. You're from Middletown. You believe God knows you? Ann Reed, believe with all your heart now, and go home and be well. Have faith in God.
L-75 You believe God? What did she touch? See how her faith pulls out, right off the audience here. It's your faith that does it. I never seen those people. Now, you have faith out there.
I want to ask you something. What did she touch? She can't touch me, she--she's thirty feet from me, or forty. But what did she touch? She was believing with all of her heart, and praying, and she touched the High Priest. I'm not the High Priest; He is. But He--He ain't got no lips but mine and yours. He only has hands as He can use mine and yours. You just believe somewhere like that, the same thing. [Hebrews 4:15]
L-76 Let's see, was this the patient? Has He already told you what your trouble was? Do you believe, if He hasn't? All right. Yes, varicose veins, and you got a lump in your breast. That's right. Do you believe with all your heart? Now, go home and be well. Jesus Christ make you well. You believe with all your heart everybody? Have faith now. Don't doubt.
How do you do? We're strangers to each other, so far as I know. Is that right? All right.
L-77 That little lady setting there, looking at me, praying for her husband. He's in Canada. You believe that God can tell me what's his trouble? Got diabetes and lung trouble. Believe with all your heart now. Have faith in God. Do you believe God? Oh, God, Great Jehovah... How can you doubt? I challenge your faith in Christ's Name to believe that I've told you the truth.
You believe God can tell me your trouble?
The audience, it just keeps... There's something keeps move... Be reverent, be quiet, real quiet. There's people praying... Keeps coming from this way; there's a lot of faith in the building tonight. If you'll just keep believing...
L-78 Let's see, this is the patient. I'm not beside myself, I'm just... There's no need trying to explain it; you can't. See, there's no way of trying to explain it. You just have to believe it. You can't explain God; you know God by faith.
Oh, it's some kind of spells you're having: epilepsy. I want to tell you something that happened. When you was a little girl, you got a fall and caused that, when you was a little girl. Been bothering you a long time. You believe God will heal you? You're not from here; you're from the South: Mississippi, Hattisburg, Mississippi. You believe God... If I tell you who you was, would it help you? Miss Slay, now go home and be well. Jesus Christ make you well. If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Just have faith in God. [Mark 9:23]
L-79 Now, we're strangers to one another, sir; God knows us both. Now, if the Lord Jesus still remains Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, He will know you, know all about you. I don't, He does. Will all you believe that, out there now? I don't know the man. You're from away from here; you've come to the meeting from somewhere else. Virginia. Have faith. You're wanting deliverance from something. That's right, isn't it? Smoking, smoking cigarettes. Say, a minister should get away from that. You're wanting deliverance; you know it's wrong. Mr. Snodgrass? Reverend Mr. Snodgrass from Virginia; that's your name. Come here. You believe me to be God's prophet? Hand me your hand. I cast that evil thing away from you as a child of God. May it leave you and never come back again. Go on your road believing now, and never take another one the rest of your life. Amen. [Hebrews 13:8]
L-80 Have faith in God. You believe your back got well while you were setting there? Your back got well while you were setting there? You believe it? Then go, just rejoicing, saying, "Thank you, Lord."
This little lady just held up her hand right there, just at that time. You got something on your mind, haven't you, lady? You're praying for your son; that's where it's coming from. Have faith. If you'll believe it with all your heart, God will give you the desire of your heart.
What do you believe that... What if I didn't say one thing to you, would you believe it? Would you believe it's healed? You are. God bless you, just go on your road.
What if I didn't say nothing to you, just laid hands on you? That's the main thing with you, isn't it? Come here. In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed. Amen. That's how simple.
L-81 A lady setting right behind here, little black-headed woman with a white looking coat on, looking around to the lady setting next to her, with arthritis there. Believe with all your heart, God will make you well. You believe it with all your heart? Then you can have it. That's right, lady. You raised up your hand there. There, that's it. Stand up on your feet. That's it, stand up there. There you are, go on home and be healed. Jesus Christ makes you well.
You too, sister. Believe it with all your heart. Go on, may the Lord Jesus make you well.
L-82 All right, come. Very small for that... You believe that anemia condition will leave and it'll be well? God can give you a transfusion from Calvary for it. You believe that? Go, and you can receive it, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Believe now with all your heart.
Heart trouble, stomach, oh, my... You believe God will make it well? Go and believe with all your heart and get well.
How many out there believes with all your heart now? How many's in condition to--you believe that God will make you well? Do you believe it with all your heart? Are you ready to receive your healing? How many believes it's the Holy Spirit? I want to see your hands. How many believes it's the Holy Spirit? With all your heart? With all that's in you?
L-83 Now, I'm going to challenge your faith right now to do something. What do you think? What do you think? Do you all believe it's the Holy Spirit? How many knows that that's exactly the same sermon I preached tonight of Jesus Christ? How many believes it inside and out? Raise up your hands. All that will accept Jesus as their Healer right now, I don't care what's wrong with you, how crippled you are, nothing about it. If you'll accept Jesus as your Healer, stand up to your feet and raise up your hands, and start praising Him for healing you, and you can have your healing right now.
Lord God, heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I cast away this evil spirit, cast away the powers of the devil. And may they go home and be well, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

60-0611e - Miami Valley Chautauqua Campgrounds, Chautauqua, OH (Paragraphs: 51 - 76)
L-52 How many here now that does not have a prayer card and you want God to heal you, raise up your hands. Say, "I--I want God to heal me." Now, if there's any more prayer cards, that's got a card, get in the line. Now, if not, why you... We're going to catch you anyhow. You don't--your not... I want you find... If you can only take what I said tonight, that sixth sense... Believe with all your heart.
Now, many of you sent these handkerchief up. I'm praying over them every one, trying my best to get to them. Now, if I miss you, just write me at Jeffersonville, Indiana. I'll send you one. See? I'll send it to you through the mail. If you miss it or miss--your handkerchief some way gets lost, just write me. It don't cost you a penny. Just write and we... 'Course sometimes some people send a little money along, 'cause we spend hundreds of dollars a week on stamps and things, and send those--the handkerchiefs around the world with all kinds of miracles and things of signs returning back from them. 'Cause it reaches more than I can reach. But now look... [Acts 19:12]
L-53 I suppose that ninety-five percent of the people... I know I've got some people here from Jeffersonville. But I don't see any of them in the prayer line. And if they was I'd ask them nicely to get out (That's right.), because I can see them down home. This is for people that's up here, people that can't get in any other time.
Now, here stands a lady. If I could heal that woman, I would be a--a--a--a rascal if I didn't do it. If I could do it, I wouldn't be fit to stand behind this pulpit, Brother Sullivan, if I could heal her. But I can't heal her. She's already healed if she's sick. I don't know if she's sick. But if she is, Jesus healed her when He died at calvary. He made a perpetuation for that. He was wounded for our transgressions, with his stripes we were healed. Is that right? [Isaiah 53:5]
L-54 Now, these people that they pushed up here in the wheelchairs, I want you to look... I believe last night a woman on a wheelchair, cot, or something another, the Holy Spirit called her, taken her off that. Now, many time you in the wheelchairs, you begin to say, "Oh, my case is hopeless." As long as you believe that, your sixth sense is dead. Your sixth sense, if it's alive tonight, this is the last hour of your suffering. Your coming out of there, go home, be well.
The man and woman standing here (the colored brother and sister) with their little boy. You believe tonight? You have faith, my brother. You have faith, sister. The little fellow's too little to know what faith is; you believe that God will heal your child. The lady standing here with this little boy here. You have faith...
All of you standing around these wheelchairs, I want you to have faith for those people. And you out there, some of you with heart trouble, going to die in a few days. Cancer... If something isn't done you're going to die. These people may live an ordinary lifetime here a crippled. But if you don't get a hold God right away you're going to die. Yes sir. But you get a hold of God and say, "God, I'm using my sixth sense; I believe. And I believe that You're going to make me well." And then God will do that. Don't you believe that? Believe with all my heart. [Hebrews 11:1-3]
L-55 Now, I'm not going to use the line of discernment... I couldn't get that fifty through here. I couldn't do it. But I'm going to pray. Now, if God still remains God, if God is still God, then He can do all things just the way He...
What is the highest form of--of faith? There was a Roman one... A Jew said, "Come, lay Your hands on my daughter; she'll get well."
The Roman said, "I'm not worthy, just say the word." That's what the gentiles are supposed to do. In meetings across the sea and different places, they can see one supernatural thing take place, the whole audience will just walk out by faith. See? They'll believe it. But here it's so hard.
Now, you're a Pentecostal people. You may be Methodist, but if you've got the Holy Ghost you're Pentecost. Now, if you got that sixth sense ready to be made alive, let's make it. [Matthew 9:18]
L-56 Now, this woman here, or this one anyhow, I--I don't know the woman. I guess we're strangers to one another. Now, here--here's a woman, I've never seen her in my life. She said she don't know me and I don't know her. Well, how would I know and... She just reached down... And mixed up these cards, and give somebody a card and she picked it up and here she is. She happens to be the first one on the platform.
And if some of you at all the same time I'm talking to her, you believe out there, and see if He don't go out there and get you too just the same. See? Now, if that can be done once to a person maybe never been in the meeting. That's a confirmation that it's truth. God told Moses, "Take this gift and go down there and show how your hands healed with leprosy." He did it one time and all Israel followed him to the promised land. See? He didn't every time he meet a Israelite say, "Look here at my hand, leprosy. See? It's healed." No, no. He did it one time; they all believed it. That's the way we're supposed to do it: see it, believe it. [Exodus 4:6-7]
L-57 Now, here is my hand. As far as I know I've never seen this woman in my life. If I did I didn't know her. She's a total stranger. But if the Holy Spirit can come to me and tell me what she's standing here for, or something that she's done, or something she's planning on doing, or may something that--that she knows that I know nothing about. That would be a confirmation that He's still the same Jesus that talked to the woman at the well. That would be proving to this Gentile generation that that Messiah Who once lived in a Pillar of Fire in the Fatherhood, dwelled in a human body called the Son in the Sonship, and now in the Holy Ghost in you and I, through the sanctification through the Blood dwelling in our bodies. The Holy Ghost dwelling in us: "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also. Verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing." You believe that? [John 14:12], [John 5:19]
L-58 Now, I want to ask you in the wheelchairs. Now, if I could heal this woman, I would do it. If I could heal you, I'd do it. I can't. But if the Lord God (being she's close to me) if the Lord God will tell me something about that woman (let her be the judge whether it's right or not) that she knows that I don't know, you know that it has to take some kind of a supernatural power here to do it. Is that right? Will you believe it to be the Son of God according to His promise, that He promised He would do it? Will you believe it all along here? Accept your healing then and believe it with all your heart? Just one case would settle it if you'd really mean that. Amen. That's exactly the truth. If you would believe that one thing. It would certainly be the truth.
All right then. Now, I'm just going to stand against this microphone, 'cause when visions come I don't know how I'm--low I'm talking or how loud I'm talking. But I've got this audience here promising that they will receive their healing if the Holy Spirit will reveal to me something about you that I--you know that I don't know. Now, that'll be... Would--would it encourage you and make you have faith if He did that to you? Would it? It sure would.
L-59 Now, now, I just talking to you just like our Lord talked to the woman at the well. See? He caught her first, 'cause she was the first one (See?), and that's the way I have to do too to get... See? You are a human being. You have a spirit. You have a soul. I'm a human being, have a spirit and a soul. I know now that you're a Christian. Because as your spirit begins to witness to me that you are a Christian. That's right. See? It feels welcome. If you wasn't It'd be pushing away.
Was you ever in one of the meetings and see these things done? You've seen them done. You ever noticed when sinners come and things see how it pushes away from them like that. It'll just right now It'll tell them, "You're a sinner. You do so-and-so. You do such and such." See?
L-60 Now, if you believe with all your heart, all that's in you; God will be able to tell me what your trouble is or something about it. Then you're going to receive it. And that'll make all of them believe. These crippled people said they'd believe. The sick people, the heart trouble and things said they'd believe. So then everybody believe and the whole line would believe down there. Be no use bringing the prayer line through. Everybody really wanted to use that sixth sense, and just go on and say, "Thank the Lord, He heals me." That's His attitude towards every one of them. You just happen to be one that's drawed up here. There's many, many more all out through there. Probably the Holy Spirit might after while go over the whole audience. I don't know what He will do. Then when I get real weak, my son or some of them there, Gene or some of them, they'll come touch me on the side. I know it's... I got to quit then (See?), 'cause I don't... You don't know where you're at sometime after so many visions it looks like everything's a vision then. See? Jesus said, "More than this shall you do, for I go to My Father," the things He'd seen... [John 14:12]
L-61 Now, I see what's a matter with the woman. She's come here for prayer, and the prayer is for a little growth. And the growth is on the arm. That's right, isn't it. Now, do you believe? Now, the growth is hid from me. But not from God. I tell you what arm it's on? The right. That's... Is that right? Raise up your hand if that's true.
Now, do you believe with all your heart? Now, does that sixth sense do something to you? Are you just blinded over and say, "Well, that's pretty good." See? Or does that sixth sense really go to work, say, "Praise God, I know that that man don't know that woman. Now, only Jesus Christ would know her. And He promised He'd do that. That means that you're going to be well then, if you can believe it.
L-62 You say, "Maybe you guessed what she had." I couldn't guess that. No guessing to that. Perhaps... I'll tell you another thing. You're not from here. You're from Lima. That's right. You believe God can tell me who you are? Miss White, Mrs. White. That's true. God will heal you now, go home and believe it with all your heart.
Now, you believe, every one of you? Have faith in God. If you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe. If thou canst believe. Or what if I told you you was healed setting in a chair, would you believe me? Go on your road then, 'cause you was. Have faith in God.
Now, what if I put my hands on you and said, "Satan, get away from this boy." would you believe it? Would you get well? Come here. Satan, leave this boy in Jesus' Name. Amen. Go believing now. Have faith.
What if I laid hands on you and said, "Satan, depart from him." would you believe it? Satan, depart from him in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, go believing. [Mark 9:23]
L-63 If I told you what was wrong with you, would it help you or would you rather I just lay hands on you? Which would, me tell you what was wrong with you? It's in your back. That's right. Is that right? Then go home, get healed in Jesus' Name. All right.
You believe if I just say something to you, lay hands on you it would make you well? Come here then. In the Name of Jesus may she be healed. Amen. Believe. All right.
What about you? I believe I know you. That's right. I'll just lay hands on you and say, "Satan, leave my brother in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen." Believe now, brother, go with all your heart.
L-64 You believe all of you? Well, listen, here's what I can't get. See? Why is it when the Holy Spirit will come and reveal those things... He's telling me what everything's wrong with them people. If I'd stop a minute. But them others wouldn't get in the line. Isn't it just as great to see the Lord when people pass by to have enough faith to be healed, lay hands on them, as it would be to--to have a discernment after you've seen it done? Have we become so Americanized that we have to be entertained by the Holy Ghost?
Here, come here. I don't know you. But we're strangers to one another. Is that right? You know me, but I don't know you. But God knows us both. If God will tell me what your trouble is, would you believe me to be His prophet? with all your heart? All right. Heart trouble, that's exactly right. You believe now with all your heart? You believe you'd get well? You come a long ways for this, haven't you? All the way from California. That's right. You bring your wife along too? She wants healing too. Didn't get a card. But she's got something wrong with her hip. It was caused from a fall. Isn't that right? Go home; you're going to get well both of you. Go believing.
L-65 Now, now, that's just the same as... Friends... If thou canst believe, all things are possible. You believe, sister? Just lay hands on you, you believe you'd get well? Come then. In the Name of the Lord Jesus heal the woman. All right.
Come lady. Now, see? Now, why? That woman is healed just as much as the other man. Why can't we say, "Praise the Lord," for healing that woman? See? [Mark 9:23]
L-66 Here, now, you know I know what's wrong with you. You know that just as well as I know it. You know that God could tell me. Now, if I tell you would it help you? It's your nerves that give away. That's exactly right. Believe with all you heart, go get well in the Name of Jesus Christ. Have faith.
You believe, sister, with all your heart? In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be healed.
You believe with all your heart sister? In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be healed. Have faith.
Come, sister, you believe with all your heart? In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be healed.
Now, that's exactly the way God said do it, isn't that right? These signs shall follow them that believe.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be healed. Amen.
You believe for her? In the Name of Jesus Christ may the devil leave the child. Amen. Go now, be healed.
Want to eat your supper, get over stomach trouble? Go eat you supper and get well in Jesus' Name. You believe with all your heart? See? [Mark 15:17]
L-67 Keep on the... Get that sixth sense; move them old five out of the way, believe.
How do you do. If I told you yes or no, you'd believe anyhow, huh? You'd believe it anyhow. All right. That little cyst on your spine which is located between your shoulders, go believing and get well. Do you believe? In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Have faith.
Come, brethren, you believe? In the Name of Jesus may he be healed.
Come, you believe brother? In the Name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands on you; you'll get well. Amen. Believe now.
You believe, sir? In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed. Amen. Jesus does it for you if you believe it.
In the Name of Jesus Christ be healed. That's the way, brothers. That's it. That's the way to do it.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be made well. Amen.
Come, sister. If the anointing of the Holy Spirit's here to do miracles like that, surely you'd believe I was anointed by Him, wouldn't you? Then in the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be healed. Amen.
You believe, brother? In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be healed.
L-68 If thou canst believe all things are possible.
Is this the next patient? All right. You believe, sister, with all your heart? That's it. Amen. She really got it. I just watched, she had a shadow over her and when it went away, I wondered what happened to it, turned around, now it's gone because she believed it. See? That's it.
I don't know you. You don't know me. We're strangers to one another. But God knows you, and He knows I'm here to help you if I can. You believe that?
Just a minute, something happened in the audience, somewhere, somewhere. That's it; start believing out there. Well, your trouble's in your back. That's right. You got back trouble. Miss Finnhoeffer, go home and be well...?...
L-69 Come, believing with all your heart. Do you believe, sir? In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be made well.
Come. Now, if I told what was wrong, or didn't tell you, or whatevermore, would you believe anyhow? Then your female tr... Female trouble's done left you, go ahead. Yeah, I said it anyhow. All right.
You believe that God's going to heal your nervousness? All right. Go on and be well in the Name of Jesus; believe with all your heart.
You want to get over the stomach trouble? All right. Go eat your supper and be made well in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
You believe with all your heart? All right. Do you believe, sister? In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be made well. All right.
Believe that this little boy can get over this trouble? I curse the devil that's done this to your child, may he be healed in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Take him now, don't doubt. Watch what happens to him if you can believe.
You believe with all your heart? In the Name of Jesus Christ may you be healed.
L-70 There's a healing keeps coming from over here. It's a little woman setting back there with a brown hat on, kind of thin. She's suffering with TB. All right, sister. I don't know you, and you don't know... Yes, you ought to know me. You were healed once in my meeting; I see it was at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Hallelujah! That's it. You believe God can tell me what's wrong--what's wrong with you there? You had a tumor, and God healed you of it, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Hallelujah!
I challenge you to believe. There's so many believing. Have faith in God. You believe, sister? In Jesus' Name, go and be made well for the glory of God.
You believe, brother? In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be made well.
You believe, brother? In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be made well.
You believe, sister? In the Name of Jesus, go and be made well.
You believe, brother? In Jesus' Name, go and be made well.
You believe for the little baby? Now, look, I know it's a birth condition, but that don't have nothing to do... What the devil done any time, God can take it away. You believe that? I curse the devil that did this to this child. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may this baby be well. Amen.
L-71 You believe, sister? In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be made well.
You believe, sister? In Jesus Christ's Name, go and be made well.
You believe, sister? In Jesus' Name, go and be made well.
Do you believe, sister? (Is that the last of the prayer line?) All right, look here at me just a minute. You believe with all your heart? If God can tell me what your trouble is, you believe it? One thing, it's your eye going bad. That's right. That's not the main thing. Got a tumor, the tumor's in the stomach. You're not from here. Go on back to Illinois and get well. Jesus Christ make you well. If you can believe, all things are possible. You believe that? [Mark 9:23]
L-72 That man setting right back there, has got--brought a little baby, that's got a hole in its heart. You're from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Mr. Kirkline, go home and believe. That baby's heart will heal up. Jesus Christ makes it well. Hallelujah! That's the power of our God. Have faith in God.
Another woman setting there from Memphis, Tennessee, up this a way, praying for her lost daughter. Have faith in God.
I'm looking for a woman, I can't see her in the audience. But she's here somewhere. She's praying. God help me to find her. Somebody with faith got heart trouble and diabetes. Her Name is Mrs. Wells. Have faith in God. Somewhere I can't... [Somebody says, "Here she is."--Ed.] All right, all right, sister, your faith has saved you. Besides that, heart trouble runs in your family. You don't have a prayer card, do you? 'Cause you'd... No. 'Cause all the prayer cards are up. Heart trouble runs in your family. You got a brother's got heart trouble. That brother's not here. That brother lives in Baltimore, Maryland. And he's also unsaved, because he's shadowed with a dark shadow. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
L-73 Do you believe with all your heart? Is that sixth sense going to work on you? Put your hands over on one another right here. O God, Creator of heavens and earth, send Thy Holy Spirit at this time and heal every person in Divine Presence through Jesus Christ's Name. You believe it?
How many in here that wants to know Jesus as your Saviour? Stand up on your feet. You're close to Him. God bless you. God bless you. That's right. Wonderful!
L-74 How many wants the Holy Ghost? Stand on your feet. Wants the baptism of the Holy Ghost, stand on your feet, every one of you. It's too many out here to get you now, file right off in this room so we can meet you over here. In Jesus' Name if you'll come with sincerity, you'll be filled with the Holy Ghost, saved of all your sins. Go into the room tonight. This is the time. Move over this a way to the room. All that's here that believes in God, wants to be saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, move right out of this room, so we can minister to you.
If there's anybody here from my church down at Jeffersonville that hasn't received the Holy Ghost as yet... Brother Collins, and all of them has got the Holy Ghost since they been here. Oh, they've tore up the country. Come around; this is the time for you to receive it right now. Go in. Don't you come out of there till you got the Holy Ghost. Come now, all sinners. Go in here and seek God for salvation. That's the way.
L-75 I challenge every man and every woman that's in Divine Presence, that's sick, anything wrong with you, I challenge you to believe the Lord Jesus Christ while I pray for you. Will you do it? How many will promise they'll do it? If God can give me power here to discern spirits... I'm telling you, I can't heal you. You're already healed. Jesus healed you when He died for you. Let that sixth sense don't become numb, put it to work now and believe it. What about all you people here in these wheelchairs, do you believe it? Then let us raise our hands to God.
L-76 O Lord God, let not this message pass in vain. Let not the power of God go to waste here tonight. But may God of heaven send down power of conviction and heal every person. May the devil leave everybody with cancer, heart trouble, crippled, leukemia, any kind of a disease. I challenge it by a gift, ministered by an Angel, sent in the sufferings of Jesus Christ to heal the sick and the afflicted.
Come out of them, Satan. I charge thee in the Name of Jesus Christ to come out of them.
Now, all that accepts Christ as their Healer; I don't care what's wrong with you. It doesn't make one bit of difference; if you believe God, raise up and accept it in the Name of Jesus Christ. That's the way. Amen! God bless you. That's it! That's perfect, perfect. God bless yours, Brother Sullivan.

60-0612 - Miami Valley Chautauqua Campgrounds, Chautauqua, OH (Paragraphs: 48 - 70)
L-49 Now, I know it's going to be a little hard for you to hear. And I'd ask the engineers, whatever they are, just step up them microphones just as hard as they can. 'Cause under vision, you don't know what you're saying; you don't even know where you're at. So then, here it is.
Now, is there anybody here that never was in one of the meetings before? Let's see your hand. I guess you're all... About--about one or two. Now, if Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today and forever, in a book of Saint John, He met a woman. Him being a man, he met a woman, the woman at the well that I preached about a few minutes ago. And He asked her for a drink, and He carried a conversation with her. After while, He found what her trouble was. How many knows what it was? Sure, she was living in adultery. He said, "Go get your husband."
She said, "I have none."
Said, "You said right, because you've got five. And the one you're living with is not your husband." [Hebrews 13:8], [John 4:7, 16-18]
L-50 Now, the Pharisees heard Him do that, and seen Him do it--that same Rock--and they said, "This man is Beelzebub, a devil. (Is that right?) Some kind of a mystic fortune-teller or something."
Jesus said, "I'll forgive you for that. But someday (Words like this) when the Holy Ghost comes to do the same thing, you speak one word against It, it'll never be forgiven."
How many knows that's true? This world, nor in the world to come... Because they called the Spirit of God an unclean Spirit, like a devil spirit, fortune-teller. Anybody knows that fortune-telling's of the devil. Certainly. All them witchcraft, and fortune-tellers, and mental telepathy, and all that kind of stuff like that, comes from the devil. [Mark 3:21-23, 29-30], [Luke 12:10], [Matthew 12:24]
L-51 But remember, Jesus said in the last days when we got all this here positive thinking by different ones, and mental telepathy, and--and that other stuff they tried to accuse... What was it? Superstition perception and all of that--that's of the devil. And the Bible said it would be here: "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these resist the truth." The truth is the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the power of God.
Jesus said, "They'd be so close together, it would deceive the very elected if it was possible." But they... It's not possible to deceive the elected, 'cause they were elected before the foundation of the world. Their names are put on the Lamb's Book of Life. "Those who He foreknew, He's called. Those who He called, He justified. Those who He justified, He has already glorified." That's right. [II Timothy 3:8], [Matthew 24:24], [Matthew 21:27], [Romans 8:27, 30]
L-52 Now, here's a woman. I've never seen her; far as I know, I guess we're strangers. Are... all right. Here's a lady; I've never seen... She's probably around my age; maybe I'm a little older then her. But we never seen one another, and this is our first time seeing each other.
Now, if Jesus Christ remains the same, and's promised that He would show the Gentiles... I'll say it like that so... If you want me to explain it I could, but I'm sure you understand it. He promised that He would show the Gentiles, just like He did the Jews and Samaritans, at the end of the Gentile age, He would show the Gentiles (How many knows that?) the same sign, that He was a resurrected Messiah.
L-53 As it was in the days of Sodom, when the Lord Jesus was there, God manifested in flesh told Abraham who is wife was, and what her name was. She was in the tent behind Him, and He told him he was going to have a baby by her. And she laughed and He said, "Why did she laugh?"
Now, Jesus said that same thing will take place just before He comes. We're at the end of the road. Now, if He's still the same Messiah, He will do the same Messiahic signs to prove Hisself. I'm not Him; I'm just your brother. I'm just like you, one that's received His Spirit. Now, if the woman didn't believe, no matter what was said, it'd never help her anyhow. And she's got to believe before anything will take place.
Now, you out there in the audience, you just believe the same way for yourself or for somebody else. No matter what it is, you just believe for them, and find out if it doesn't take place just exactly the same. [Luke 17:26-30], [Genesis 18:9-10], [Genesis 18:12-13]
L-54 Now, come this way just a minute, lady. Now, here we are, I just want you to get this. This is our first time meeting in life; I do not know you, but God does know you. I just spoke, that that Rock is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe that? [The brother says, "Yes sir."--Ed.] You are a Christian; the feeling of your spirit tells me you're a Christian. If it wasn't...?... back.
Now, I have no idea what you're here for. You may be for somebody else; you may be for finances; you may be for domestic trouble; you may be sick; you--you may have some heartache or something, I don't know. But you have come to me as God's servant, to try to speak through, like they did in the Old Testament through the prophets, to find out what was what, and so forth (Is that right?) and what was going to happen. Well then, if He still remains the same as He was, then His Spirit is in us, and we'll do just like He--He did then, is that right? How many in the audience will believe it now, with all your heart?
All right, the only thing I ask, just look this a way; don't doubt. You believe me to be His servant? That's good. And if we've never met, and there's something wrong with you, God has to tell me, or has to have some kind of a power that would tell me, because there's no way for me to know. And then through that, if it would tell you, it would help you, would it? It would help you.
Well, you are here for healing, and that's in your stomach. You got a stomach trouble, complications, and a lot of things wrong with you. That's exactly right. Now, if that's true, raise up your hand. Now, do you believe? See? See how exact the Holy Spirit is? Now, that's true. Now, if you'll... Wait, there's something else. She's got something else on her mind; she's thinking of something. [Hebrews 13:8]
L-55 Did Jesus perceive their thoughts? That's right. That's how I picked that up just then; she's got something else on her mind. That's exactly right. That's her husband; he's sick. He's here; he needs healing too, doesn't he? You're not from here; you're Canadian. Go back home. Take that handkerchief you put that tear on, both of you'll get well. Go, believe with all your heart, in the Name of the Lord...
L-56 [] Do you believe? It's that simple; she just gets healed. Now remember, I could not do that. I could not do that for nothing. It's God. See? You--you're afraid God's way off somewhere; God's right here. He's right around you. Just speak to Him, He's alive. I guess we are strangers to one another.
Now, if you'd take this line like that... I just got to hurry this through here, you know. That's...
Just have faith; don't doubt. Believe with all your heart. Now, you're... I suppose you're a little older then me. But we don't know one another. God knows us both. And if He will tell me what's wrong with you or something in this order or something on that order... [] If He tells you what has been, you know whether that's right or not, then you could know what will be. Is that right? Is that fair, congregation?
L-57 Now, let's get two or three so it... The Bible said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established." And then we'll start just praying for the sick as they go along. Do you see the Holy Spirit present?
Now, I don't know you; I've never seen you in my life. But God does know you. But if He will tell me what your trouble is, you'll know whether it's right or not. You're suffering with a kidney condition. That's right, kidneys. That's right. And another thing, you have a growth you're praying about. That's right. You believe God can tell me where the growth is? Would it help you? It's on your right side. That's right, isn't it? Uh-huh. You're not from here either; you're from the mountain country, like, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Your name is Miss Colt. Go back home and be healed. Now, how do you like that? Is that...?... All right, just have faith if you believe. Just believe; have faith in God. [II Corinthians 13:1], [Deuteronomy 17:6], [Deuteronomy 19:15]
L-58 All right? We're strangers to one another, I suppose. Now, here's a man. Now, let's see if...?...
[]... He believed; he said, "Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God, the King of Israel."
Now, that same Son of God is not dead; He's a living here this afternoon. Now, may God help us. I don't know; He might not say nothing to the man. I never seen him; I don't know that He will. But I hope He will. I think... What is this, two or three? Three? And this man'd be three. All right, two women and this man'd be three, a confirmation. All right. [John 1:49]
L-59 Sir, God knows all about you; I do not. But if He can tell something that you know that I do not know, would it help your faith? Would it help every man out there to believe it now, every one of you men? Your trouble's in your throat; it's esophagus. You've been to doctors; they want you to be operated on for it. That's it? That's what's wrong with you; that's what happened before he come to the church. You believe? Yes, sir. I just happened to notice another thing while I was feeling your spirit. You've never been satisfied with an experience as a Christian yet, fully surrendered to God. You need Jesus as your Saviour. That's right. Will you accept Him right now as your personal Saviour, you give your life to Him?
I see you can't eat, can't swallow right. That's right. You're just dwindling away, going away. That's true. That's been coming on for quite awhile, it's bothering you in your throat. You're not from here; you're from Cincinnati, Ohio. You believe God knows who you are? If I tell you who you are by the Holy Spirit, will it help you? John Huff, go on back home and get well. Jesus Christ make you well. You believe with all your heart?
L-60 That little man setting right down there wanting to quit smoking cigarettes, you believe God will give you your desire, sir? All right, you won't smoke no more; Jesus Christ makes you well. You don't have a prayer card, do you? No, you ain't got a prayer card; you don't need it. Do you have faith in God? Do you believe?
That young woman setting right back there praying for a friend in Pennsylvania... That's right. You don't have a prayer card, do you? But you're praying for a friend that's in Pennsylvania; I seen them rolling hills. Believe with all your heart, and you'll get well. It's one of your loved ones. Believe with all your heart, he will get well.
Do you believe with all your heart? "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." Hallelujah! You believe it?
The little lady setting back there praying, she got varicose veins, the first thing. And she's praying for her husband; he both smokes and drinks. That... You ain't got a prayer card, have you, lady? But she was praying for God to help you, is that right? You receive your healing; believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the rest of it. Have faith in God; don't doubt. I challenge you to believe Him. Amen. [Mark 9:23]
L-61 If I don't say one word, just lay hands on you, you believe you'd get well? In the Name of Jesus Christ, go and be healed.
If I tell you what's wrong with you, will you be healed? Your heart trouble's cured; go and be well. Believe with all your heart.
If I don't say nothing, will you believe with all your heart? Come here. In the Name of Jesus, go and be made well. Have faith. Do you all believe now? Is everybody praying? "These signs shall follow them that believe." People with prayer cards, people without prayer cards in the audience, wherever you are, have faith in God; speak to the Rock.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus, may our brother be healed. Amen.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus, may my sister be healed. There's something here that's telling to these things.
You believe your female trouble's left? Go on on your road, and say, "Thank the, Lord." Praise the Lord.
You believe your nervousness left you? Go on the road and be--praise the Lord. Believe with all your heart now? Have faith. [Mark 16:17]
L-62 In the Name of Jesus Christ, may our brother be healed. Now have faith, just believe with all your heart.
God bless this little one and heal it, in Jesus' Name.
Come, little boy. You believe now? The Lord Jesus heal you, my son, and make you well. Amen.
Come sister, dear; come right on. You believe now with all your heart you're going to get healed? In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed.
Come believing now; don't doubt. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed. Amen.
Come, my brother dear. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, may this devil depart from you, and you go and be made well.
God bless this little one too, in Jesus' Name, I pray. It's your daughter...?... In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed. Amen. Go believing, now.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed. Amen.
Come believing. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, may she be healed.
L-63 Is everybody praying? Everybody on prayer grounds? All right. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may you be healed. Grant it, Lord.
Come, sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed. Amen.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may the woman be healed.
Come on. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed. That's the way, sister; that's it. There's the kind of faith it takes to get the blessing.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may you be healed. Amen.
Come, sister. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may you be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, may you be healed...?...
Come, sister. Believe it with all your heart now, and you'll get it. In the Name of Jesus Christ... Don't doubt. Same as Bartimaeus was at the gate... In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.
Come, sister dear. Don't doubt now; believe that it'll happen. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may she be healed.
Come, brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus, be healed.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, be healed.
L-64 Wait just a minute. That's okay, I--I thought it was something else. All right, you believe? All of you believe with all your heart? Everybody believing? Now look. See, if the anointing's here, the people passing over, that's just laying hands on them, just exactly the way it's always is. The same Spirit's here; that's all, you don't have to tell people. Here...
This is, I believe it's the first colored person we've had on the platform today. I believe, as far as I know. All right, look...
L-65 One day in Jerusalem, there was an old, rugged cross going--dragging down the street, dragging out the bloody footprints of the Bearer. And Simon Cyrenian helped Him bear the cross when He fell under that load. He was an Ethiopian, where your people originated at. He still remembers that. Do you believe that same Jesus lives today, and He could tell me what your trouble is? You believe that? Happens to be that you're not here for yourself; you got healed last night. You want me to tell you what you had? You had stomach trouble and--and diabetes. That's what you got healed from.
Another thing, you're here for your daughter. And your daughter has stomach trouble. Her name is Mrs. Wells; you can go on your road home and be made well, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. All right? [Mark 15:21], [Luke 23:26]
L-66 Come believing; don't doubt; have faith. Lord, in Jesus' Name, heal the woman and make her well. All right.
God, in the Name of Jesus, heal my brother and make him well. Now, just remember, the anointing of the Holy Spirit's still here.
Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ, heal our sister and make her well.
Father in Heaven, I pray that You'll heal our sister and make her well.
Come, brother. You believe with all your heart? That old back's going to be all right now; just go on, believe God with all your heart, and be made well. All right.
Come. Now, you don't look like you have it, but you have just arthritis. But you believe that God will make you well? All right, sir. You can have it, if you believe. All right, go on your road; rejoice and say, "Thank you."
This man's shadowed to death--cancer. You believe God can heal that cancer, sir? All that's out there suffering with cancer, stand on your feet. Everybody that's got cancer in the building, stand on your feet. Don't you dare to get up; you've already been healed.
L-67 Hallelujah! Do you love Him? This lady setting here praying for her husband, he's got eye trouble and unsaved. You believe God will fix him, cure his eyes and make him well? All right, God bless you. May the Holy Spirit come upon him and save him from a life of sin.
Right behind you there, you're praying for a friend that's in a hospital, dying. That young lady... You believe with all your heart? All right. See, you all don't have prayer cards; you don't need them. If you'll believe, God will stay the hand of death. I just want you to know that the Holy Spirit's here. Amen.
L-68 God bless you, brother. You see what that is? If I could heal you, I'd do it. I can't do it, but I believe that God will hear my prayer, don't you? Then I cast away that evil devil in the Name of Jesus Christ. Go, be made well.
Here, sister, I don't know you. There's so many pulling out there now, it's just got me so weak I hardly know where to stand. You're suffering with a lady's trouble, female trouble. Stand right here just a minute. Every woman out there that's suffering with that female disorder, stand to your feet right now. Stand up for prayer. (Just a minute.)
All right, here, you had the same thing, lady, so you stand right over here, and you believe with all your heart.
L-69 All right. Look here, sister, just a minute. You're stomach trouble, stand right over on this side. Everybody with stomach trouble, stand up. Have faith; don't doubt. Young fellow, look this way--you're back trouble. Stand right over here. Everybody that's got back trouble, stand on your feet. Have faith in God. Your stomach... Now, you can stand over on this side. Have faith in God, believe.
Right over here also, nervousness... All right, all that's got nervous trouble, stand up on your feet. Everybody that's bothered with nervous trouble, stand up. All right.
Come along now. Let's see who... this next one. Asthmatic condition... All that's got asthma, stand up on your feet; everyone stand to your feet. You're going to see the glory of God. Come on, stomach trouble and nervousness stand over on this side. All right.
L-70 There you are. How could I call all of those? But the Holy Spirit knows all about you. How many's got any kind of sickness? Stand on your feet--I don't care what it is--that's got any kind of sickness. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Are you ready to speak to the Rock? Now, you go and believe, and you go and believe. Stand right here just a minute now, raise your hands up to God, all of us.
I command the devil in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Rock of salvation, to depart from every sick and afflicted person in here. I do this by the Blood of Jesus Christ, under the atonement by the ministry of an Angel that sent me to do these signs and wonders before you, to speak of the coming of Jesus Christ. [Hebrews 13:8]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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