December 2008 Newsletter - Excerpts
This Month's Featured Email
---Original Message---
From: []
Sent: November 3, 2008 4:13AM
Subject: From Liberia (West Africa)
Shalom Br. Wilson,
May God continue to us as we look forward to His coming.
The books and bibles along with the few tapes sent was is a really a blessing to the saints. My pastor was very happy when he saw those things; because some of the believers in the church don'teven have a message book. So the few books and six bibles you sent me, I took one Bible for myself because my bible is spoil since 1999 and took a few sermons that I never had and gave two bibles to some brother that didn't have a Bible.
I also give some of the books to brothers that did not have sermon books and turned the rest( bible and and sermon books) to my pastor to give them to the saints but they are not enough to distribute among those that are without sermon books; so he decided to put it down for anybody that would like to read them and return it till we can have enough to be divided among the saints. He has started giving Bibles to saints that do not have a Bible.
Br. Wilson, I so happy for the help that you have render to the church. God bless you.
yours in his service
Br. Andrew
From: []
Sent: November 3, 2008 4:13AM
Subject: From Liberia (West Africa)
Shalom Br. Wilson,
May God continue to us as we look forward to His coming.
The books and bibles along with the few tapes sent was is a really a blessing to the saints. My pastor was very happy when he saw those things; because some of the believers in the church don'teven have a message book. So the few books and six bibles you sent me, I took one Bible for myself because my bible is spoil since 1999 and took a few sermons that I never had and gave two bibles to some brother that didn't have a Bible.
I also give some of the books to brothers that did not have sermon books and turned the rest( bible and and sermon books) to my pastor to give them to the saints but they are not enough to distribute among those that are without sermon books; so he decided to put it down for anybody that would like to read them and return it till we can have enough to be divided among the saints. He has started giving Bibles to saints that do not have a Bible.
Br. Wilson, I so happy for the help that you have render to the church. God bless you.
yours in his service
Br. Andrew
---Original Message---
From: []
Sent: November 3, 2008 2:12PM
Dear Beloved of the Lord
May God bless you for the Living word broadcast being shared unto us. I personally get helped with such marvelous words of comfort.
God should just bless you. There awaits a reward for you when we cross over Jordan.
God bless you
From: []
Sent: November 3, 2008 2:12PM
Dear Beloved of the Lord
May God bless you for the Living word broadcast being shared unto us. I personally get helped with such marvelous words of comfort.
God should just bless you. There awaits a reward for you when we cross over Jordan.
God bless you
Excerpts From Guestbook, TestimonyBook & Eye Witness Accounts
November 25, 2008 - 06:12 PM Richard Anderson from United States I am an avid student of the bible and LOVE studying the Word of God1 I believe your books will be a valuable asset to my studies.
November 22, 2008 - 12:54 PM Joy Omlid from United States The Lord has been speaking to me about Rev. William Branham. I would like to find out all that I can about his life, preaching, miracles and the supernatural. The website is great. Thank you for all the information. Joy Omlid
November17, 2008 - 12:24 AM Nsandi Manza from Zambia thanks for the website. I like receiving inspirational messages every morning. Thanks
November 15, 2008 - 01:40 AM Lesego Molai from United Kingdom May the good Lord bless you for your broadcasts and materials. I listen to your message music daily. Thank you
November 14, 2008 - 03:51 AM Job Wechuli from Kenya God bless you, this is Job in Kenya. I love to support your Good work-esp the young foundations. the prophet said you can never be wrong while supporting missionary work! I know i'll see you guys someday.. how I long for that day.. -Job in Kenya
November 08, 2008 - 05:13 AM Jayahrdenosta from Philippines Thanks to the Lord for this website! Its great blessing to for the people of God.

November 06, 2008 - 04:12 PM Joanne Moore from Australia Thank you. I appreciate your kindness in sharing this free book.
November 05, 2008 - 04:01 AM Bassey Ekpe from Nigeria More of God's grace as you try to spread His message given to us by the end-time Prophet.
November 05, 2008 - 02:00 AM Roy Matthew from India Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ, I am receiving your newsletter and it is very useful for me especially the subjects you select is very importance for every end time message believer. Please send those newsletters continually. Roy Matthew.
November 04, 2008 - 01:49 AM Alice Mganga from Kenya I have been deeply blessed by the encouragements sent in LWB and I pray to the good Lord, that He inspires you more for His seed out there in the world. God bless you.
November 03, 2008 - 08:29 AM Teh Francis from Cameroon Thanks for the wonderful service.
November 02, 2008 - 01:25 AM Mashilo Lawrence Mapotse from South Africa Thank you my brothers for the wonderful work of the Lord you are doing, may the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you.