---Original Message---
From: Bro. Vidya
Sent: Feb, 22 2010 09:03 AM
To: thevoice1017@lwbwb.org
Dear Brother in Christ,
Your Booklet Questions with Answers from the End-Time Gospel is really amazing and a blessing to know the true answers to these questions.I appreciate your efforts for bringing all these answers in booklet form. May God bless you.Praise the Lord.
Bro. Vidya
---Original Message---
From: Bro. Salomon
Sent: Feb, 22 2010 02:05 AM
To: thevoice1017@lwbwb.org
Subject: Thank You
God bless.Thank you very much for the Biography book of William Branham. I am sure it is going to be a blessing to myself, family and others. I thank God that He made a way for people to come into the kingdom of God. Praise God and bless all the believers.
Bro. Salomon
---Original Message---
From: Sis. Cathy
Sent: Feb, 16 2010 1:05 PM
To: thevoice1017@lwbwb.org
Greetings in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ! I'm so grateful for the ministry of Living Word Broadcast and would like to extend my warmest appreciation for the Healing Thoughts book and other prophet's message books just handed to me. I have been starting to read them and it's a real encouragement to receive spiritual blessings from the Lord through the prayers and support of the believers. God bless His bride!
Your Sister in Christ,
---Original Message---
From: Bro. Leo
Sent: Feb, 1 2010 09:49 AM
To: thevoice1017@lwbwb.org
Shalom Saints of God.
I realy appreciate your ministry. Ecah newsletter brings me special anointing until I get many sermons. I see God's word becoming true and iron sharpens iron!!! so may God bless you so much.
Pastor Leo