---Original Message---
From: Bro. Anthony
Sent: Apr, 13 2010 3:42 AM
To: thevoice1017@lwbwb.org
May God continue to bless you richly for the great work you are doing.l certainly get blessed everytime l read your newsletter. I will keep praying for you brethren. God bless you richly.
Bro. Anthony
---Original Message---
From: Sis. Emely
Sent: Apr 4 2010 5:12 PM
To: thevoice1017@lwbwb.org
Subject: Re: "I am Determined Not To Know Anything Among You Save Jesus Christ" - LWB April 2010 Newsletter
Dear Brother Robert Wilson,
God bless you abundantly. I pray for you and all your loved ones. Thank you so much for sending me the Newsletter. The Lord Almighty knows just what we have need of. My sister was telling me that I am keeping myself with the teaching of a false prophet, and this Newsletter came just at the right moment like balm for my soul, because I was verry sad about what she have been saying to me. God Bless you.
Sister in Christ

Thank you so much for the work you do for The Lord. I pray He will bless you very richly. You all are in my prayers and I am trying my best to pass the word along to others about the website.
If you feel led to, please pray for me as well. I need leadership from The Holy Ghost. And I know He will pull me through this. He has never left me before.

We made our latest donation in the name of a dear precious brother of ours so that he may receive blessings from God's children as well. I hope this is okay.
Thank you again. And we love you. See you there!